Landscape photo of mountains and pink and yellow flowers
Two people cross country skiing with mountains in background

YMCA of the Rockies & Environmental Stewardship

YMCA of the Rockies has been a steward of Rocky Mountain regions of Colorado for generations, providing a unique experience deeply intertwined with the natural beauty at Estes Park Center and Snow Mountain Ranch.


At YMCA of the Rockies, our commitment to sustainability is holistic. With the adoption of an emissions reduction goal that aims to cut our greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 50% by 2050, we are setting a benchmark for ourselves, as well as striving for a broad approach that reduces our impact on the local environment and fully engages staff and visitors in our efforts. Our Sustainability Action Plan reflects this approach, emphasizing environmental stewardship, community engagement, and a sustainable future for all.


Our stewardship journey continues through our 2022 Strategic Plan that identifies Environmental Sustainability as one of the top 5 strategic priorities for the organization. Acknowledgement of this priority has driven YMCA of the Rockies into a new generation of stewardship activities, for which our work will extend beyond the present and benefit future generations.

Estes Park Center Electric Vehicle Chargers

With environmental stewardship an important goal of YMCA of the Rockies, offering electric vehicle charging stations for our guests and staff in central location at each of our properties is an important step in working towards this.

As electric vehicles become more popular, the addition of EV chargers at YMCA of the Rockies will address the anticipated increasing need, as well as better serve the environment. Additionally, offering EV chargers as an optional add-on for cabin donors to add to individual cabins will help continue these efforts in the future.

Today, Estes Park Center has two level 2 ChargePoint CT4025 chargers that can charge up to two electric vehicles per charger at a time in the parking lots of the Central Lodges and the Wind River Lodge. Snow Mountain Ranch has installed a new level 3 ChargePoint Express 250 Station at the Camp Chief Ouray Dining Hall near the Nordic Center parking lot and has two additional Juice Box chargers located near the Indian Peaks Lodge. In the future, we hope to continue installing EV chargers in central locations for our guests to use during their stay.

' trees and mountains

That’s a Wrap on Plastic Wrap

World YMCA held the Youth-Led Solutions Summit: Climate Action through a virtual platform to gather young professionals from YMCAs across the world to take charge in the fight for climate action. YMCA of the Rockies compiled a team of young professionals from both Estes Park Center and Snow Mountain Ranch with a passion for sustainability to attend the summit and learn about ways to make YMCA of the Rockies more “green.”

After attending the summit and meeting to discuss areas of opportunity, the YMCA of the Rockies team put forward its project proposal, “That’s a Wrap on Plastic Wrap,” and was awarded a grant from Y-USA which was put toward a plastic wrap elimination project.

This grant allowed the Youth-Led Solutions team to cover the upfront cost of purchasing reusable storage options for towels and linens in the housekeeping department to replace the current “bundle system,” which involved wrapping towels and linens in plastic wrap to transport them to cabins and lodge rooms. It also allowed for the purchase of necessary equipment to help housekeeping staff transport the larger, heavier reusable bundles of linens.

cabin and mountains during sunset
' a person packaging an item

Read More About Sustainability

an old wooden cabin

Celebrating 50 Years Of Earth Day and Conservation

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YMCA of the Rockies Preserves Open Space

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a person packaging an item

Sustainability at YMCA of the Rockies

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